Saturday, September 16, 2006

Saturday Night

Tonight is a good night. Michael and I are enjoying a quiet evening at home. There's football, pizza, and wine. Things are so busy that we're gone most nights of the week, so I really enjoy evenings like this. Michael is tuning his guitar for church tomorrow. We've both set the studying aside for the time being. Well, I must admit that I haven't opened a school book today. I took the step of taking the book out of my bag and setting it on the table, but that's as far as I've gotten. So far this semester has held up as being less demanding than prior semesters. I'm not having to spend much time studying. I think I'm getting spoiled.

I'm actually having time to do some pleasure reading. Right now, I'm reading David Copperfield by Charles Dickens, which I think is the longest book I've ever read. I'm 400 pages into it, and only halfway through. I am really enjoying it, though, and don't care if it takes me another month to finish it. This is only the second or third Dickens novel I've read, and I really like him. He wrote so many novels, that there's so much more to read.

In the past, I have gotten bogged down in the really long novels, because with school they take me so long to read, but this is the second one I've read lately. I also read The Brothers Karamazov, by Fyodor Dostoevsky. This was another novel that Michael suggested, and it was excellent. I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it. He wrote several others that I haven't had the opportunity to read, but I've heard they're also excellent.

Reading is truly enjoyable to me, and it's exciting to think that there are so many more good books out there that I haven't read yet. Classic literature encompasses so much, that I feel like I've only just begun in my reading of it. Not to mention the more modern authors that I'm just beginning to discover. There is absolutely a lifetime's worth of enjoyment in this.

I'm going to return to my novel now, after I go down the street to get a snow cone. If anyone who lives near here hasn't discovered the great snow cone stand down the street, you're missing out. Until next time, have a good night.

Miss your posts, Julie. Miss seeing you and Michael more.
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