Thursday, June 01, 2006


I watched a couple rounds of the national spelling bee tonight. I had never heard of a single word that they were asked to spell. That may just say bad things about my education, but can you believe that these are eighth graders spelling these words. (The two finalists are eighth grade girls). I was very impressed. I do wonder, however, how someone can become so passionate about spelling. I understand that everyone has different hobbies, and some people probably think the same thing about things that I'm passionate about, but spelling? And how often will they be able to use these words they're learning, because no one else will understand them. But, to each their own. And I am impressed with their spelling ability.

I saw the strangest pair of shoes that I've ever seen tonight. They were sandal cowboy boots. They weren't the feminine, high-heeled kind, but rather men's shoes. They were true cowboy boots, but were cut off and had an open back. They almost looked like slippers. Maybe you have seen shoes like this before, and maybe you really don't care and think I'm crazy for writing about them, but I thought they were interesting. Obviously, if I'm still thinking about them a couple of hours later. I have clearly had an absolutely thrilling day.

I know these are some random thoughts, but this is what was on my mind, and there wasn't anyone around to share them with. So, there you go, blog world. It's funny how just blogging this makes me feel good, like I've talked to someone, even though no one may ever read this.

I read it. And I laughed like crazy. What a great post. I think I like it mostly because I CONSTANTLY have random thoughts like that in my head. I'll blog about them more often. Thanks for the motivation. For example, I tried to be a good citizen today and help a lady find her lost dog. She called me all day long and harrassed me, asking again and again where I had seen it. No kidding. She probably called me 6 times. And came over twice, beating the door down each time. She even brought me a can of dog food to give him if I see him again. Where do these people come from?
I still can't picture the cowboy boots. Let's get together soon and swap stories.
I am very happy to hear your random thoughts, even on the other side of the globe. Keep them coming, because they make me laugh.
I think I know what boots you're talking about. They are like slip-on cowboy boots? A friend of mine has a pair. I think they are kinda cute:) Also, very comfortable! (I tried them on) We even sell them in the western shop here at the hotel. Sounds like Mike misses ya! How exciting that you are going to get to go down there!! Have fun!
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